- My body is ready to nourish my baby.
- My baby and I are learning to nurse together.
- It's okay if my baby nurses frequently. Babyhood passes fast and this time together is worth it.
- When my baby fusses, it is not a reflection of my parenting or my ability to nurse.
- Women have been nursing their babies since the beginning of time. There was no formula two hundred years ago, but the human race survived, didn't it?
- My body is complete. It was made to carry my baby in my womb for nine months and now, I trust my body to provide the nourishment that my baby needs.
- My milk is the liquid form of the love that I have for my baby. Therefore, I will always have more than enough milk for his needs.
- My baby is healthy and is gaining weight as he is supposed to.
- All my baby needs is me and my milk.
- My milk is better than any other vaccine in the world and protects my child from as much harm as I possibly can.
- If I need help, there are people I can call to give me advice and support.
- (And for really rough days!) This too shall pass.
As many mommies can attest, the success of my breastfeeding journey will be largely affected by my mindset. I know that there will be days that my resolve will waver, and I will question whether I am providing all that my baby needs. I hope that reading through these affirmative statements will take me back to this time, to this very moment, when all I am is excited about nursing Little C and convinced of my ability to succeed in this, and all the doubts, fears and negative energy will be replaced by optimism and confidence.
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