
Thank you, Eliza of "The Painter's Wife"

If any of you have read my previous entry, you'll know that I'm struggling right now with breastfeeding Little C (as I've said before, I use the term breastfeeding very loosely. In my case, breastfeeding means exclusively pumping breastmilk for my baby). I am at a very challenging point in my breastfeeding journey and just today, I found a new tear in my nipple, right beside the last one that just healed. Sigh.

Because of the difficulty that I'm having right now, in addition to all the hurdles that I've had to overcome in the seven months or so that I have been religiously pumping breastmilk for Little C, the past few days have found me seriously considering transitioning him to formula. I'm also struggling with the question of weaning. The how isn't a problem. I know I just have to gradually cut back on my pumping sessions and my body will stop producing milk. The question is when. I don't know when I'll be able to feel okay about not expressing milk for my son's consumption. Most of the exclusively pumping moms I know stop after their baby's first birthday, and right now, I'm making that my soft deadline. Emphasis on the word "soft". Right now, I'm imagining it to be Little C's first birthday, and I'm transitioning him to formula and I just feel sad.

This quote, shared by Eliza of The Painter's Wife on Facebook, came at just the right time.

To Mommy Eliza, thank you. This post, which may or may not be a casual "share" on your part, has inadvertently given much needed encouragement to a fellow mom to keep up in the quest to give my son the best there is. I hope one day, in my own way, I'll be able to unknowingly help another struggling mom the same way you helped me today. :-)

Happy day mommies!


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